The Lockdown Recipe Storytelling Book

Annake Muller Publishing

Product image 1The Lockdown Recipe Storytelling Book
Product image 2The Lockdown Recipe Storytelling Book
Product image 3The Lockdown Recipe Storytelling Book
Product image 4The Lockdown Recipe Storytelling Book
Product image 5The Lockdown Recipe Storytelling Book
Product image 6The Lockdown Recipe Storytelling Book
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Product image 9The Lockdown Recipe Storytelling Book

Regular price R 430.00

Die boek bevat ‘n mengsel van resepte en stories in Afrikaans en Engels / The book has a mixture of recipes & stories in Afrikaans and English.

THE STORY BEHIND THE BOOK (please scroll down for Afrikaans)
The hands that feed us bind us to where we come from and where we are heading. – Ingrid Jones

It was early 2020. South Africa was facing the global health crisis Covid-19. The entire country was in lockdown; ordinary citizens were isolated at home – bored, restless and fearful . So what did South Africans do to counter the anxiety and fear? We cooked. We baked. The Lockdown Recipe Storytelling Book is a compilation of the stories and recipes that emerged from online conversations among the members of The Lockdown Recipe Storytelling Book, a Facebook initiative curated by Ingrid Jones. Initially, a straight forward call for sharing family recipes, the conversations that arose evolved into a celebration not only of the food of our preceding and current generations, but tales of a diverse heritage that reaches far beyond the dishes we serve our families today – stories of pride, of memories of a time long, long ago; some filled with pain, others with joy. We remembered growing up in the Cape Flats with often not enough to eat , lank-rekverstrek dishes for special occasions when many had to be fed, shopping trips that were about family, making kickass preserves and jam, Friday being fish day, food that nourished the soul and eased an aching heart , the tea set innie display, dealing with floppe, celebrating Christmas with Ma’s trifle and showing off our baking skills passed on from generation to generation. From cakes to koe’sisters, bobotie to bredies and breyani, waterblommetjies to smoked-snoek smoortjie and pickled fish – all have found their way to our tables. And have brought with them the histories that we share.

Everyday South Africans threw themselves into this project. These are their stories. 


Die hande wat ons voed is ons verbintenis tot ons komvandaan en waarheen ons op pad is . – Ingrid Jones

Dit was vroeg in 2020. Suid- Afrika moes, soos die res van die wêreld, met die Covid-19-pandemie rekening hou. Die land was in ’n staat van inperking; gewone burgers moes tuisbly – verveeld, rusteloos en bang. Suid- Afrikaners moes iets doen om die angs en v rees teen te werk. Wat het hulle gedoen? Ons het begin kosmaak. En begin bak. The Lockdown Recipe S torytelling Book is ’n samestelling van die stories en resepte wat spruit uit die aanlyn-gesprekke tussen lede van The Lockdown Recipe S torytelling Book, ’ n Facebook- groep wat deur Ingrid Jones begin is. Dit het aanvanklik begin as ’n platform waar mense hul familieresepte kon deel, maar het kort daarna nie net ’n viering van die kos van die vorige en die huidige generas ie geword nie, maar ook ’ n plek waar mense hul diverse stories kon deel. Dié stories het veel verder gestrek as die disse wat ons vandag met ons families deel; dit was stories waarop ons trots was , herinneringe van lank gelede – sommige vreugdevol , ander pynvol. Ons het onthou hoe ons op die Kaapse Vlakte grootgeword het en nie altyd genoeg gehad het om te eet nie, lank-rek-ver-strek disse toe baie monde tydens spesiale geleenthede gevoed moes word, winkel u i tstappies as familie, die maak van gatskop ingelegde vrugte en konfyt , vis-Vrydae, trooskos vir hartseerdae, die teestel innie display, hoe om met f loppe te cope, Kersfeesvier inge met Ma se trifle, en hoe om te spog met ons bakvernuf wat oor generas ies heen strek. Van koeke tot koe’sisters, bobotie tot bredies en breyani, waterblommet jies tot gerooktesnoeksmoortjie en ingelegde vis – alles het op ons tafels beland. En daarmee saam ons gedeelde geskiedenis en stories. Alledaagse Suid-Afrikaners van oraloor het tot hierdie boek bygedra. Dis húl stories.


Ingrid Jones

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