Dinosaur Friends

Regular price R 375.00
How well do you know your Dinosaurs? Tiny-arms-Tyrannosaurus-Rex gets together with his flying, crawling, and herbivore friends. Spruce up your space and take a trip back in time with these prehistoric favourites, lovingly painted with watercolours and edited digitally. Hear them, ROAR!
Hoe goed ken jý jou dinosourusse? Kort-arm-Tirannosourus-Rex kuier saam met sy vlieënde, kruipende en herbivoor vriende. Kikker jou kind se spasie op en reis terug in tyd saam met hierdie prehistoriese gunstelinge. Elkeen is liefderyk met waterverf ingekleur en digitaal afgerond. Hoor net hoe BRUL hulle!